woensdag 28 december 2016

New moon on the 28/29 th of December it opens a new energy and portal for fresh beginnings. Old
theme's can be put into the new portal and comes healed back to you,
Making a priority list can help to let go and think about what you want to be changed or want
to be better or it is also possible you don't want a situation anymore in life,
it doesn't matter just write it all down.

During these days you might feel an impulse to do a lot and you want to take a lot more
responsibilities than you normally would carry on your shoulders and new ideas pop up in your mind also this also happened during the full moon so if you didn't take steps to the idea jet and it comes back to you then do it anyway the idea is meant for you. So be a little bit aware of this
possibility and it is good to think twice because of the open portal things are manifesting again really
quick so even the thoughts we don't want to have but in the same time have can all
be manifested too.

On the emotional part emotions can come a little bit harder your soul and feelings are a lot more
sensitive right now because we want to feel loved and want a little bit more attention for ourselves
but want also to give this to others and not everyone will appreciate it.
Stay true to yourself so the hard words and conflicts don't come harder in touch with feelings.
Crankiness can also be a feeling some of us can have today but more in waves that come and go.

I love the moon...:

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