The Violet flame of Saint Germain is the flame of ; Forgiveness, mercy, freedom and love.
Also this flame is higher than it was for centuries know we reached a higher level of consciousness.
We can call upon the Violette flame every day to release karma, old ways of how we handle our lives without fear or doubt and to be more aware of what to say.
With the Violet flame we create a spiritual goal and release negative vibrations unconscious really quick, it leads to a big flow where all in life is going well and perfect. But we still can go back to
old patterns it is normal everyone who was in a flow like this fell back to an old pattern because
it is something we need to learn from, we humans need to master to stay in a flow and
let old patterns or bad situations go without feeling bad or sad so we each master enlightenment but we still have a long road to go but should not give up.
Working with the flame brings joy and a lot of love, the point is the flame was already on earth
for centuries a little bit awake and in the same time a sleep, now it is fully awake
to serve us humans but also mother earth.
All we need to do is to call upon the Violet flame and being ready for the new to come. Keep in mind when you want to call upon the Violet flame you ask your heart and higher self for permission so the flame can go smooth into your system. Further is is a really easy to work with compared to
other healing energies wich ar also good of course but this is I think the quickest way for
self and also world healing.
Fist ask for protection AA Michael is my fave <3
Dear Gaint Garmain
Would you please surround me with your beautiful violet flame and release me
from karma and negative thoughts.
Please help me to reach enlightenment and to act out of love and activate my inner consciousness so I can show this to the world.
I surrender to you healing violet flame.
Thank you Saint Germain
See or feel the flame surrounding your aura and healing the chakra's enjoy : D
Also this flame is higher than it was for centuries know we reached a higher level of consciousness.
We can call upon the Violette flame every day to release karma, old ways of how we handle our lives without fear or doubt and to be more aware of what to say.
With the Violet flame we create a spiritual goal and release negative vibrations unconscious really quick, it leads to a big flow where all in life is going well and perfect. But we still can go back to
old patterns it is normal everyone who was in a flow like this fell back to an old pattern because
it is something we need to learn from, we humans need to master to stay in a flow and
let old patterns or bad situations go without feeling bad or sad so we each master enlightenment but we still have a long road to go but should not give up.
Working with the flame brings joy and a lot of love, the point is the flame was already on earth
for centuries a little bit awake and in the same time a sleep, now it is fully awake
to serve us humans but also mother earth.
All we need to do is to call upon the Violet flame and being ready for the new to come. Keep in mind when you want to call upon the Violet flame you ask your heart and higher self for permission so the flame can go smooth into your system. Further is is a really easy to work with compared to
other healing energies wich ar also good of course but this is I think the quickest way for
self and also world healing.
Fist ask for protection AA Michael is my fave <3
Dear Gaint Garmain
Would you please surround me with your beautiful violet flame and release me
from karma and negative thoughts.
Please help me to reach enlightenment and to act out of love and activate my inner consciousness so I can show this to the world.
I surrender to you healing violet flame.
Thank you Saint Germain
See or feel the flame surrounding your aura and healing the chakra's enjoy : D

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