woensdag 11 januari 2017

You have possibly heard it more often Just let go.
But what is letting go actually and how do you do this, it is as simple as they say or is it more difficult than they say.

Letting go also like many others is for me the ultimate challenge even if I want to and work hard on it to do so. Trust me when I say I have the urge to hold every happening what happened to me on even if I don't want to I know I'm not the only one with this issue actually I think everyone has this a little anyway.
And when I finally let go it has been a few month or longer sometimes shorter depends on how
the situation has been for me. Also per person it is different all because of different ways of thinking.

So what is this actually ? Letting go is a sort of gift and I think we can see it under the category of free will ( it is our choice to do so) the more we want to ways will open for us but out of fear
and ego we don't see it, we need to master when it comes to letting go to let fear not put any pressure
on the letting go process.
Actually I think we can see it as something fun we have the gift of letting go and it is an lesson we all need to go through so we can make this as simple or as difficult as we want to no matter what the situation is or was, so new things can come to us, see it as a stairs and you can only go up. But we need to stop sometimes and when we did we can continue . The best to do is to focus on the best things you have and try to be yourself, often is letting go about others than about ourselves so try
to focus on you as an person and begin by a spiritual growth in any form what is possible for you.

It is like I said a gift so we can break thru a circle but it is up to us to do so. Keep things as light as possible and just be you. Because letting go is less damaging.

But all the same, it cuts, and it cuts deeply. It's time to let you go RL. I know now that you never cared as much i did it.:

Geen opmerkingen:

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