We can stay in a huritng state for a while until we need new love in any form again. But most of the time
we want it is doesn't come and we end up hurt again. Archangel Rapheal can help you with that but also you can do some different things by yourself.
How come?
Well as you already might understand the chakra is still closed and doens't want to open because of the ego.
All you need is pink in every form. First of all you can visualize a pink rose in front of you at the same height as your heart chakra, and let all heart broken and still hurting feelings go immediately into the rose is will go all by itself you don't need to think much.
Slowly you feel a big relieve inside you like all of it is gone and you can finally open again for new love or friendships.
Once you are done with the rose let the rose explode and ask Archangel Raphael to shield you with his green bowl of light around your aura.
This green energy will protect you from pain and will make sure even if someone wants to hurt you in won't come inside you aura and it will bounce back to the other person.
By many people the heart chakra is closed or is closing automatically by itself,
always on the moments we don't want to get hurt or are already getting hurt, thoughts like : I don't deserve to be loved or Love is stupid, immediately start to dominate our head and also our
On those moments you can also ask Archangel Raphael for the protecting shield.
we want it is doesn't come and we end up hurt again. Archangel Rapheal can help you with that but also you can do some different things by yourself.
How come?
Well as you already might understand the chakra is still closed and doens't want to open because of the ego.
All you need is pink in every form. First of all you can visualize a pink rose in front of you at the same height as your heart chakra, and let all heart broken and still hurting feelings go immediately into the rose is will go all by itself you don't need to think much.
Slowly you feel a big relieve inside you like all of it is gone and you can finally open again for new love or friendships.
Once you are done with the rose let the rose explode and ask Archangel Raphael to shield you with his green bowl of light around your aura.
This green energy will protect you from pain and will make sure even if someone wants to hurt you in won't come inside you aura and it will bounce back to the other person.
By many people the heart chakra is closed or is closing automatically by itself,
always on the moments we don't want to get hurt or are already getting hurt, thoughts like : I don't deserve to be loved or Love is stupid, immediately start to dominate our head and also our
On those moments you can also ask Archangel Raphael for the protecting shield.

Quite by Radleigh Valentine
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