dinsdag 18 april 2017

Change the way you see things in life. But is it easy to do so.  Of course, I don't mean seeing the reality but I mean seeing the good in the bad.
It actually can be easy but, the point is do you really want to see it different. Our ego doesn't want to see the good in the bad only to stay low in vibrations.
So one thing you need to do if you want to work on this is to try every time when something negative is happening to you to see and know what is your lesson and try to make the thought positive
by doing this you can create the best for yourself but also for others.

Bad experiences are just lessons we need to learn. One of the points is that we need to make it good for ourselves and we learn from it, and when we look back on those moments we feel stronger and wiser.
Otherwise, it can come back until we learned from if not so in this life then in another.
Try to stay relaxed and neutral emotions and ego are combined with each other when it comes to the point. Meditation can help but also write it down for yourself, all that you feel and think actually it doesn't matter how you express yourself as long it is out of your system.

What also can help it so balance the chakras it is only  +/- 5minutes work. Visualize each color of the chakra going through the chakra and cleaning the black dots by vacuuming it straight back to the universe.
For example :You clean the heart chakra, you visualize a green energy going from the universe straight to your chakra and cleaning all the black dots away.
That is how it works.

"Peace in Change"  Spontaneous(Xie Yi) style Chinese brush painting on rice paper by bgsearle with Zen proverb.:

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