Sometimes we wonder why some people just simply go away.
No matter who they are. Let's say some people can't leave you alone or some just stay to finish something between you and the other person.
Also known as karma. But why do we create karma all the time but in the same time we actually don't want to create it.
There are different kinds of karma, things that happened in past lives. People you have known or feel a connection with are often people from past lives, most of the time they go away because something happened or the role they played in your life is over. This is karma for a past life wich is solved.
But we still can create karma with someone in this life, what happens a lot is that they keep coming back or you still think about them. This is your inner-self letting you know you just created karma,
when we are lucky they come back in a later stage in life, but it can also happen they come back
in a next life.
Can we stop karma ? well to be honest we can, by forgiving or just say sorry of whatever suits the situation. This is for us when we are the one who created it. When someone else did this it is up to them to do so. This is actually a constant circle which stops until we humans stop creating karma.
We started creating this many centuries ago and still continues now.
Once we become clear we need to let go/ forgive and handle the karma with love and respect
it will go away.
Archangel Raphael can help you to heal this aspect he can create a green light surrounding your aura and balancing the energy. Also Archangel Michael you can call upon by asking for the balancing rings. These are three rings balancing the aura, emotions and chakras.
Also it helps to be kind to yourself, once we are in a conflict with someone we are not nice towards ourselves, by taking good care of yourself mentally and physically you will feel better in all different kind of issues with others,

No matter who they are. Let's say some people can't leave you alone or some just stay to finish something between you and the other person.
Also known as karma. But why do we create karma all the time but in the same time we actually don't want to create it.
There are different kinds of karma, things that happened in past lives. People you have known or feel a connection with are often people from past lives, most of the time they go away because something happened or the role they played in your life is over. This is karma for a past life wich is solved.
But we still can create karma with someone in this life, what happens a lot is that they keep coming back or you still think about them. This is your inner-self letting you know you just created karma,
when we are lucky they come back in a later stage in life, but it can also happen they come back
in a next life.
Can we stop karma ? well to be honest we can, by forgiving or just say sorry of whatever suits the situation. This is for us when we are the one who created it. When someone else did this it is up to them to do so. This is actually a constant circle which stops until we humans stop creating karma.
We started creating this many centuries ago and still continues now.
Once we become clear we need to let go/ forgive and handle the karma with love and respect
it will go away.
Archangel Raphael can help you to heal this aspect he can create a green light surrounding your aura and balancing the energy. Also Archangel Michael you can call upon by asking for the balancing rings. These are three rings balancing the aura, emotions and chakras.
Also it helps to be kind to yourself, once we are in a conflict with someone we are not nice towards ourselves, by taking good care of yourself mentally and physically you will feel better in all different kind of issues with others,

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