woensdag 19 april 2017

Deep down we always know the truth but when it comes to the point we just don't know it but
at the same time, we do. Yes, it is strange that we always know the truth in every situation. 
What we all actually do is searching fo it in moments and places or we want to hear it from others because we humans want to have a sort of security when it is about life. 

It can be difficult to feel the truth and want to hear it from others, most of the time it is not coming 
because we need to learn how to listen to our higher self and our body, we don't do that much but yes some people managed to do this.
This search form answers within us is a process we all humans need to go trough and it is nothing strange. Still try to listen what kind of thoughts and what kind of feelings are coming to you ( keep the ego out of it ) on those moments it is pure and coming from yourself after that there is a big change you start to have other thoughts or feeling of it and then it becomes more and more confusing. 
But it is also important to let it go, holding on to it is not healthy for you,
Remember the truth aways reveals itself at the right time even if someone kept a secret. 

We can always ask for help when we want or need help in revealing the truth. Archangel Chamuel can help you by this but Uriel is also very good at this

St. Augustine The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself. | http://www.amazon.com/Silicone-Wedding-Ring-WeFido-Inexpensive/dp/B00YHSC8QA/ref=sr_1_41?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1437904453&sr=1-41&keywords=silicone+wedding+ring:

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