donderdag 1 december 2016

It is already the first of December and at the same time the start of the last month of 2016. During this month we also celebrate Chrismas and we are more loving to one another.

Not only because of the season but also for a new beginning this coming month will be in the sign of presents in every way  But it might also be that unexplained happenings  begin where no explanation for is and you might be wondering where it came from, but it will be in a positive way.
December is also the month we all start to think back on the past year and want something new or want to change some things, in my opinion every day is a new beginning but like most people it feels better to make changes in a brand new year where nothing happened yet.
But we are at the beginning of December so if you want to make changes but don't know what kind of changes there is still some time, or everything was already good and it is not necessary.

For what I already have heard will 2017   be a year full of manifesting and we humans are getting a step higher in level, this will be good but on the other hand old things that are in this world now will
not work anymore because of those changes, so it will be a busy year for the world.
Anyway enjoy  the month of friends, family and hope because that is what matters most for this time of the year.

With all the craziness that comes with the Christmas season, try to take a step…:

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